Thursday, 18 December 2014

Unit 2 Task 5 D1


Different software utilities improve the performance of your computer system as they can speed up your computer and can protect your computer from viruses.

Security virus protection and firewalls; These improve the performance of your computer system as they protect it from getting any viruses. The purpose of security virus protection is to protect your computer operating system from trojan horses taking over. If viruses and trojan horses were able to infect your operating system, you would lose control over your computer. You would also lose access to your files and documents. Viruses can also shut your computer system down so that is why it is important to install security virus protection.

Clean up tools for removal of cookies, internet history and defragmentation; After using your computer system on a daily basis over a long period of time, your computer can be slowed down due to the build up of internet history and cookies. To remove these, you can use clean up applications. You can also format the computer and reinstall files to increase the speed of your computer and improve the computer speed. Fragmentation can also decrease the performance of your computer as it makes the hard drive do extra unnecessary work. Disk Defragmentation runs on a particular schedule however you can defragment your computer manually if needed. Deleting the internet history will also increase the speed and performance of your computer as it creates more memory available and if you were on a public computer, all of your personal details will be removed from the computer system which will make it safe.

Drive Formatting; By formatting a computers hard drive you can create space on the hard drive to store extra files. There is also space for more things to be saved When you have formatted your computers drive, the performance of the computer will increase incredibly and will be more efficient. Over long periods of time the computers hard drive can get viruses, but to make sure this does not happen, reformatting the computer system is a good idea.

1 comment:

  1. www. You have shown that you are able to explain how software utilities can improve the performance of computer systems. D1 achieved.
